
5 Things to Look For in a Family Dentist

Your family dentist is your partner in maintaining good oral health and hygiene. A good family dentist can service your entire family and help keep your teeth clean, even when oral hygiene problems occur. Knowing what to look for in afamily dentist in Castle Rock, CO, can help you find a dental professional that you’ll be happy with for a long time. Below are five things you should look for when searching for your family dentist.

1. Range of Services

Whether you need a dental cleaning or a cosmetic dentistry procedure, it’s good to be able to use your family dentist for all of these services and more. Pay attention to the services provided by the family dentist you’re considering.

Do they offer a range of general dentistry services as well as cosmetic dentistry services? What about emergency services? Finding a dentist that offers a one-stop shop for dental care is convenient for you and also ensures that if you ever have a dental emergency, you can turn to the dentist you trust for help.

2. Accept Your Dental Insurance

Your dentist will need to accept your dental insurance to ensure that you can get the preventative care you need. To find out if the dentist you’re considering accepts the dental insurance you have, call the dental office to ask the phone staff. You can also try calling your insurance as well.

3. Experience

Experience matters. Many dental providers will post their experience on their website, but if you can’t find it there, call their office to inquire. How long has this dentist been providing care to patients? Where did they go to school? Know the answers to these questions before you choose a dentist.

4. Good Reviews

Good reviews matter. You can find reviews online or ask friends and family about their experience with the dentist you’re considering.

5. Modern, Up-to-Date Facilities

Visit a dentist with modern, state-of-the-art facilities. You can learn more about a dental provider’s facilities by looking at pictures online or visiting the office in person.

Are you looking for a reliable, professional dentist for dental cleaning in Castle Rock, CO? Call Castle Valley Dental today to make your next appointment.

What a Dental X-Ray Doesn’t Show

A dental X-rays is truly useful technology to a dentist. It shows off not just the interior of the tooth, but also the bone structure and gums that support the teeth. However, for as powerful as an X-ray is, it can’t show a dentist in Castle Rock, CO everything. We’ll look at the common details that it won’t show.

A dental X-ray can reveal most cavities, but it may not accurately portray one if it hasn’t penetrated the enamel of the tooth or if it’s hiding under a filling. It also may not be able to show other dental issues, such as a cracked tooth or an abscess in the soft tissue of the mouth.

This can be disappointing to a patient who wants to know that they have a clean bill of health, but the good news is that there other types of scans that can reveal these issues to the dentist. In addition, it’s unlikely that you would have a fracture or an infection without having other symptoms.

No matter why you’re visiting the dentist, you want to have confidence in the diagnosis they give you. If they suspect that there’s an issue, you want them to go the extra mile to verify that your mouth is healthy. A reputable dentist will make sure that their X-ray machine is calibrated, that the pictures are taken at the proper angle, and that you’re perfectly still at the time of the photo. If you have a lot of hardware in your mouth, such as braces or crowns, they’ll be aware of how those objects impair their vision, and they’ll make contingencies about what to do next if their vision is blocked.

Finding a General Dentist in Castle Rock, CO

general dentist in Castle Rock, CO is your first line of defense when it comes to staving off serious oral health issues in the future. If you’re looking for a professional staff that will make sure they have all the facts in hand, Castle Valley Dental has the technology and the expertise to interpret your scans as accurately as possible. Contact us today to make an appointment for an X-ray exam and cleaning.

What Happens If My Tooth Gets Infected?

Tooth infections can be painful and scary! Fortunately, your dentist in Castle Rock, CO can help you. Knowing a little bit about tooth infections and what can be done about them can help. In this article, we’ll discuss what it means if your tooth is infected, how to tell if your tooth is infected, how to get rid of an infection and how a tooth infection can be stopped. Here’s what to know.

What Does It Mean If My Tooth Is Infected?

When a tooth gets infected, the delicate pulp inside the tooth enamel becomes compromised by bacteria. An infection of this nature can spread to other parts of the body, if it’s not treated. In addition, if your tooth isn’t treated, you could lose your permanent tooth.

How Can I Tell If My Tooth Is Infected?

The best way to tell if your tooth is infected is to visit the dentist. Your dentist can examine your tooth and determine whether your tooth is infected. Your dentist will also be able to recommend treatment for your tooth. However, you’ll be able to tell if your tooth is infected by the following:

  • Severe pain in the tooth
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Tooth is discolored
  • Tooth has a crack or chip in it
  • Tooth is sensitive to heat and cold

If you’re noticing any of symptoms like the ones above, see the dentist to get treatment as soon as possible. An infection in your tooth can cause problems if it’s not treated as soon as possible.

How Can I Get Rid of an Infection In My Tooth?

Your dentist will use an emergency dental procedure called a root canal to get rid of the infection. During the root canal, the dentist will remove the infected pulp and then fill the tooth full of sealant. Finally, the dentist will protect the tooth enamel with a crown.

How Can A Tooth Infection Be Stopped?

Tooth infections often happen when a tooth becomes chipped and bacteria enters the tooth through the chip or crack in the tooth. You can help avoid a tooth infection by taking care of your teeth and going to the dentist regularly.

If you believe you have an infected tooth, call Castle Valley Dental root canal in Castle Rock, CO.


How Often Should I See the Dentist?

Seeing the dentist on a regular basis can help you take good care of your teeth. Knowing how often to visit the dentist in Castle Rock CO, and sticking to that schedule, can help you avoid dental problems like gum disease, stains on your tooth enamel, dental infections and other problems. How often should you visit the dentist? Read on to find out.

See the Dentist Twice Per Year

Most dentists ask that their patients come in for dental cleanings twice per year. Patients who have special needs or who have a dental problem that requires special care may need to see the dentist more often.

Patients who are very young or who have very good oral hygiene and dental health may only be asked to see the dentist once per year. Either way, following your dentist’s recommended treatment plan and examination schedule is important.

Call the Dentist With Signs of a Problem

Even if you’re going to the dentist twice annually for your regular cleanings, you may need to go to the dentist for an additional visit if you’re noticing signs of a dental problem. Signs of dental disease include:

  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away, even if you brush your teeth
  • Pain in your teeth or in one particular tooth
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Swelling around your tooth, in the gums, or your cheeks
  • Black or brown spots on your teeth or discolorations on the tooth enamel
  • A hole or crack in your tooth enamel

See the Dentist During a Dental Emergency

If you’re having a dental emergency, see the dentist as quickly as possible. For example, if you lose a permanent tooth, see the dentist within half an hour if you wish to save the tooth. If you have severe tooth pain, you could be in need of an emergency procedure called a root canal. Call the dentist for advice and to make an appointment.

Whether you have a dental emergency or you simply need to see the dentist for your usual cleaning and examination, contact Castle Valley Dental for a dental appointment in Castle Rock, CO. Call today.